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Damien Telrue & Rad Matthews |
Aidan Chase, Dayn Murphy & Preston Andrews |
Dustin Dibella & Patrick Kennedy |

 Rad Matthews, Damien Telrue |
 Dayn Murphy, Aidan Chase, Preston Andrews |
 Dustin Dibella, Patrick Kennedy |
 Miles Pride, Christopher Robin |
 Kevin Carson, Brent Lockhart |
 Thomas Cooper, Ian Graves |
 Vince Faulkner, Dustin Revees |
 Sonny Kelso, Brent Lockhart |
 Dustin Revees, Preston Andrews |
 Hayden Chandler, Phillip Ashton |
 Sonny Kelso, Kevin Carson |
 Mateo Takapino, Brent Lockhart |
 Mateo Takapino, Kevin Carson |
 Christopher Robin, Preston Andrews |
 Kevin Carson, Brent Lockhart |
 Jt Wreck, Patrick Kennedy |
 Preston Andrews, Justin Giles |
 Jeremy Sommers, Robbie Hart |
 Robbie Hart, Camden Christianson |
 Xander Brennan, Aiden Ash |
 Xander Brennan, Gavin Page |
 Tristan Tyler, Joshua Lovett |
 Tyler Berke, Ryan Storm, Andy Kay |
 Spence Riley, Xander Brennan |
 Spence Riley, Clay Johnson |